What is biblical stewardship?
Paul considered stewardship in the context of the message of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. That was his understanding of stewardship. For Paul, it was all about the gospel. The gospel is what saves and produces good fruit for the kingdom of God (Colossians 1:5b-6). Therefore, God’s people must understand the gospel well enough to communicate it in any situation.
Core Values – Stwrdship
An attitude of gratitude because God is good and faithful 100% of the time
Seek God in prayer to respond to every circumstance
Guiding others into the purposes of God
Being known by our love for one another as God’s children
The attitude toward God and others because while we were sinners, He died for us
Following the example of Jesus to be an example to others
Fixing our sights on the cross of Jesus Christ to stay focused on our mission