About Us

Joseph Paul Crum

Joseph Paul Crum was born new in Christ through the gospel while serving as a Reconnaissance Team Leader in the US Army. After spending several years overseas in high-threat security, he pursued the call to pastoral leadership with one focus: the gospel. Transitioning from the military was not easy, but clarifying the mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ helped Joe get focused. Joe formed Gospel Stewardship to help God’s people get focused on their mission.

The Problem

We believe that Christians struggle to live worthy lives of their calling in Jesus primarily due to a lack of discipleship. Many people hear about Jesus and believe in Him for salvation. Few reach a point of effectively making other faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. 
We believe that understanding the Bible is the best way to grow and mature in Christ. Scripture is given to us by God to know and enjoy Him. The problem we find in local churches across the country and the world is a lack of training in applying the Bible to everyday life to the glory of God. 


By reaching disciples of Jesus Christ through local churches and online resources, we provide practical tools and guidance to live worthy lives of our calling in Christ. We do this in five primary ways:

Core Beliefs

Enjoy God

We exist to enjoy God and His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Glorify God

Everything God gives is for His glory (2 Thessalonians 1:10)


Spiritual gifts, Relationships, Abilities, Finances, and Time are to be stewarded well by God’s people to make disciples (1 Peter 4:10-7-11; Luke 16:9)


God calls us to be generous givers (Matthew 10:42; Luke 21:1-4)


God is glorified through His people (Matthew 5:16), which is why the mission for Christians is to teach others to follow Jesus (Matthew 28:18-19), being conformed to His image (Romans 8:28-30)


People need to be reminded, educated, and inspired to make disciples of Christ until He returns (2 Peter 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:14; Titus 3:14)

Learn more about Stewardship